Tuesday 30 March 2010

Hope for Tomorrow....

....Where would we be without hope? We all need some. Whether it’s hoping for a good day tomorrow, hoping for happiness, success or health for ourselves, family and friends or hoping we pick the right numbers on the lottery!

Thanks to the hope of others I’ve had a very “easy” day of chemo today. No driving for over an hour to the hospital and another hour back again. No waiting for the inevitable delay in treatment in a large oncology department. Was my treatment handled any less professionally? Certainly wasn’t. I could have shut my eyes and quite easily imagined myself in the usual chemo suite.

The secret of this “easy” day? The secret was that today I had my treatment on a Mobile Chemotherapy Unit supplied by Hope for Tomorrow. A hope transformed into a reality.

The only downside to this option is that it deprives Mr Bad Fairy and myself from some entertainment. The car park of a hospital isn’t a place usually seen as competition to the Comedy Store but on a good day ours is! We must have spent hours over the past nine months sniggering into take-away cups of tea at the shenanigans that take place in the car park. I’m the first to admit that my parking skills are not the greatest, yet I come away feeling quite competent. We’ve had a little old lady getting out of her car to rip verbal shreds off a younger man who had dared to sneak into the space she’d been so carefully measuring up and shuffling to and from for the past fifteen minutes…..he moved! Then there are those who seem to believe that the white line must be perfectly aligned under the centre of their car. The “If I back into a dead end then I can grab your space even though you can’t actually get out of it” brigade. The ones who believe all kerbs are naked unless carefully and deliberately smeared with the bits of rubber you don’t really need to keep on your tyres. And Mr BF’s favourites, the ones who have to open the car door (after umpteen manoeuvres to drive up in a straight line) to reach the ticket machine at the exit barrier! The joys, who said life was dull?

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