Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Feeling guilty ....

…..for being quiet and grumpy!.

Bad Fairies aren’t known for being quiet so sometimes we have to put a bit of practise in and that‘s what I‘ve been doing.

The past three weeks have been very busy in the Bad Fairy house, school holidays, meeting up with an old school friend, parents visiting and parents staying. All very lovely and thoroughly enjoyable but here’s the rub. I hate admitted that my energy levels aren’t what they were. Giving in to feeling tired isn’t something I do. Spur of the moment is my style and unfortunately spur of the moment is a bit of a drain on the limited fairy resources ….and then I pay the price.

Being sociable is something I enjoy, certainly not something which used to use up much energy. Weird how now it does if I don’t pace myself better. It’s not just physical energy either, mental energy leaks out of my ears like little puffs of dragon’s smoke! A combination of being poisoned weekly, having lumpy bad bits tapping into vital energy supplies and doing all of the usual mum stuff should give me a hint that reserves are likely to be lower but I choose to ignore that.

The lack of mental energy can cause problems. Lack of concentration which can make conversations really weird. The appalling memory skills. Knowing that it really isn’t worth my while trying to do Junior Bad Fairy homework are some of the less troublesome. The worst is that I read too much into what others say and could very easily over react. I want to shout (but don’t) that it’s not important that you had sugar in your tea and didn’t want it, who cares if a plate got smashed, does it really matter that someone pushed into a queue of traffic …. I want to be very selfish and shout (but still don’t!) that what’s important is that I’m grateful to have woken up this morning and I’m alive.

The solution. Well, I suppose I could be sensible and space things out better but that seems a bit boring and predictable. So the Bad Fairy solution is, wear yourself out to the point where you can’t remember how to spell your own name and then spend some time in quiet reflection. Not sleeping, just sitting. No company, apart from some very gentle burbling bubbles, no interruptions. Reorganise the cluttered mental filing cabinets, wear a grumpy face and relax! Works a treat.

In my defence I have to say, the grumpy face isn’t grumpy. It’s my thinking face. It’s just relaxed, not smiling or frowning, not doing anything really just being there, sort of non-expressive I suppose. Miss Bad Fairy calls it my grumpy face but I think that’s because she gets confused with quiet and grumpy, neither of which come naturally to her either!


  1. Oh goodness ... I can totally sympathise ... I'm not even undergoing treatment and I sometimes feel like that!!

    The blank staring into space and being unable to remember what it is you are even trying to think about let alone be able to do whatever it was you were thinking about!

    It's as if the batteries are totally flat ...

    I vote we invest in some sort of Dr. Frankenstein battery charger!!

    Hugs Bee xxx

  2. Hmm, I think it's an extra and unnecessary burden to take on, to not be selfish and put other people first at this time.

    You said: "The worst is that I read too much into what others say and could very easily over react."

    This could work both ways? If ya don't tell your friends and family that you're feeling frazzled, they could read thing into something said, or not said, or long pauses.

    I get really irritable when I tired. The last week, no matter what time I get up, I'm really sleepy at 8pm. I am trying to let my husband know when I am feeling irritated or emotional so that he can put things in context. I might also try taking an afternoon nap and see if that helps me going longer.

    Take care.

  3. Donna Kibblewhite (Croson)29 April 2010 at 09:41

    Now then Mrs GOOD fairy..... its Donna from your hometown !!! xxx

    Your mum gave my mum your blogspot, so here I am and you will not get rid of me now, I am here now to support you on your ups and downs.. xx

  4. Tell Miss Bad Fairy that it is your Zen face and you are listening to the sound of one hand clapping. That should set her thinking for a while. It used to me in the Sixties before I thought it just might be a load of twaddle!
    It's true that most of what we moan about isn't in the least important. But sometimes I think we have to focus on trivia to block out the anguish we feel at not being able to alter the things that truly do matter. We are none the lesser for doing so - we are human.
    My love to you,
    Pearl X

  5. Hi BF! I've been dropping in on your blog more and more, and really enjoy the read! I have a good friend in Aus who was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and I've passed your blog on to her as I think she'll appreciate all that you say.

    You're a brave lady, I can only bow down in your presence.

    Keep it up!
    Misty'sMum xxxx

  6. Dear Rainbow Fairy... because that's what you are to me.Somewhere over the way from my house is a very brave fairy who adds lots of colour to my day and makes me giggle like a little girl again!!
    I will always be by your side.
    Love 'The Fairy Godmother' xxxx
    P'S I didn't notice little puffs of dragon smoke coming out of your ears today!! xx

  7. Hi BF. You need to be selfish sometimes. I am not having treatment like you, but my illness often affects me that way and I am old and decrepit into the bargain! People often don't understand why somebody needs to be alone to recharge, or how inportant it is. I get accused of "sulking" when I do it. But it's vital for you and everybody around you to have a bit of down-time, after all they don't want you to flip and start chasing them about with a chainsaw do they? xx
