Friday, 16 April 2010

Comments .....

…… thank you.

A little interruption to the usual flow of the blog. I’d like to say thank you to all of you that read my ramblings and most importantly to everyone who has posted a comment, on the blog, on the Macmillan site and elsewhere, along with all of the lovely emails.

Your comments and feedback are truly appreciated, not only by myself but also Mr Bad Fairy and hopefully in years to come by the Junior Bad Fairies too.

I’ve always said that my only intention with writing this was to try and show people that you don’t have to lose your humour, you don’t have to change the way you think or behave in the face of cancer. If my ramblings are able to make one person smile, that otherwise wouldn’t be, then I’ve succeeded in what I set out to do.

So thank you. Please keep commenting, good and bad, along with any suggestions of things you think I may have missed or could explain better.

From a humble Bad Fairy x


  1. Hi Bad Fairy - I love your blog and miss your updates. I hope you are well and everything ok with BF Family.
    Warm wishes from the Feisty Blue Gecko

  2. Hi Bad Fairy....Havent heard you for a while.....hope all is ok?
    O and sorry about the toxic burps....Thats a by product of the "Bubble" i let you look after....I did say it wasnt house trained yet....
    Bruce...(aka treasure BOS forums)
