Sunday, 16 May 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall....

…….whoops! It broke.

Who needs mirrors anyway? Any good friend worth their salt would tell you if you had a bit of greenery stuck in your teeth or if you’d dribbled your spaghetti down your chin.

Picture this. Take one friendly but hungry hamster. Take one bag of hamster snacks. Put hamster and hamster snacks in a small enclosed space and let the hamster stuff his little podgy face. When he’s stuffed and has cheeks bulging with goodies, carefully remove him from the enclosed space. Now for the difficult bit. Gently squeeze the stuffed cheeks of Mr Hamster, not hard enough that he spits his stash at you like a machine gun, I did say gently. Look carefully at his tightly closed mouth and you’ll see that the strain of keeping the near exploding cheek contents safe will have created wrinkles the size of the Grand Canyon around his hairy little mouth. Because this is an imaginary exercise (as if I’d encourage anyone to do that to a hamster), replace the hamster with ……!

Yup, that’s me. All puffed up cheeks with a little but hugely wrinkled mouth. It’s a very attractive look and one I’m expecting to see emulated by companies in New York and Paris next year. It’s ok though, wrinkly and squashed up mouths can still do smiling!


  1. Ah, now that's unfair you have me worried now..I don't see a hamster with a 'little' but hugely wrinkled mouth! Maybe I should go back to specsavers to have my eyes retested? No.. it was only last month that I had them done so maybe I will buy you a new mirror!! Love the Fairy Godmother xx

  2. I've got a wrinkly mouth BF, but that's because I'm Old!! xxx

    Mrs Raven
