Friday 13 August 2010

Busy days and.....

....lumps ‘n’ bumps!

I’m cream crackered! Pleasantly cream crackered it has to be said.

Yesterday was a busy day. We took the children to watch the Severn Bore. It wasn’t the most spectacular one I’ve seen, it was a three star version (the best being a five star). For their first one they were suitably impressed with the power of nature! The wave was big enough for the surfers brave enough to dodge the water propelled tree trunks to surf for a while, although I don’t suppose anyone broke any records. The bore is one of those natural events which is quite breath-taking to witness, the natural power of the tide in a quickly narrowing river can only reinforce any respect you have of water. Personally I wouldn’t set foot in the river, one it’s cold, two it’s very powerful and three it’s wet!!

Then it was off for chemo. All went smoothly and it was back home ready for the Juniors bed time.

Not that they stayed there for too long. Mr Bad Fairy had promised to wake them up to watch the meteor shower! So at midnight Master Bad Fairy sat ooohing and ahhing accompanied by constant “Wow did you see that?” and chatter chatter chatter. Miss Bad Fairy sat on my knee with three coats on her and a hot water bottle and couldn’t resist the offer of a second tucking into bed for the evening!

And now the lumps and bumps bit. Slight exaggeration, it’s only one lump or even bump. Right at the bottom of my breast bone. Dr Socks says it’s a “tumour deposit”, in other words this grotty disease has now shown it’s presence in my skin. Hrmph! It started as a little bump, possibly a bite or spot so I didn’t think much of it. It’s now about a centimetre in diameter and is looking very attractive….not. Luckily it hasn’t broken through the skin so it doesn’t need dressing or fussing over. Dr Socks thinks it could be a useful indicator as to whether this chemo is being effective but has said that if it becomes troublesome or painful he’ll zap it with radiotherapy. The only troublesome bit, if you can call it that, is that I’m now having to do an impression of a free spirited 70’s hippy chic or maybe it’s a radical feminist. Bras have had to be abandoned as the band rests on the lump and I’m not risking damaging or irritating the skin any more than necessary. But then, as I’m not in the habit of hoisting my t-shirt over me head in public places I don’t suppose it will have a huge impact on my lifestyle!!

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